Our hardworking alumni are invited to come together for a variety of workshops and events throughout the year. We are building a supportive community of like-minded small business owners who want to connect and collaborate. You are not alone.

love your work retreat

We believe loving your work can be contagious, which is why we designed the Love Your Work Retreat for our alumni community of passionate, hardworking, rebel entrepreneurs and small business owners.

This past October, we hosted our second annual Love Your Work Retreat. It was amazing having our community gather together to learn and collaborate.

The video above was created by our redstar team as a tribute to the rebel small business owners and entrepreneurs we serve - many of whom were in the room! You are not alone! Thanks to everyone who attended our events. 

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday, September 29th & Monday, September 30th for the 3rd Annual Love Your Work Retreat!

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  • This event is the best investment you can make for the soul of your business! The workshops Betsy & Gina put together are solid and the random interactions are golden. Friendships, mentors, collaborations, advice and support for your work is found here! Join us - we learn SO much! 

    Kristin Allen
    greenwater garage + gallery
    New London MN

  • I spent the last two days at a business workshop with @marketing_unacademy further exploring my business and what it truly means to me. I love to rediscover the passion I hold in my “why” statement~ “Empowering People Through Art.” The beauty industry can be tough at times, but when I remind myself of my “why” it keeps me going. Thank you to Redstar for another awesome retreat! 

    Jess Bonnema
    Jessi B Artistry
    Willmar MN